How long does it take for solar panels to pay for themselves?
Efficiency of solar panels continues to increase, and material cost as well as installation costs steadily decrease every year. Solar panels have now reached the point where they will pay for themselves. It is still a medium to long-term investment, but it makes sense especially if you plan on being in the same house for the next 15 years.
Most people who install solar on their home or business do so for the financial benefits. In that context, it’s important to think about solar as an investment or as a vehicle for long-term savings. With that in mind, there’s one metric–out of the many–that is best suited for comparing different solar quotes as investments: the solar payback period.
What is the Solar payback period?
"Solar panel payback period" is the amount of time it’ll take you to completely pay off your solar power system through savings on your electric bill.
It is calculated by taking the total cost to install the system, then subtracting solar incentives and/or rebates, and monthly electric bill savings until the total cost has been paid off.
For example, if you spend $16,000 on a solar panel system, then get a tax break of $4,000, the cost after incentives is $12,000. Then if the solar energy your panels make reduces your electric bill by $1,500 per year, your payback period would be eight years, assuming electricity rates don’t increase.
Solar Payback Period for Nova Scotia
Solar panels will pay for themselves in ~8 to 16 years depending on what province you’re in. Your location will determine the key metrics when trying to assess the cost of solar panels.
Nova Scotians pay among the highest retail electricity prices in the country. This automatically shortens the payback period for your solar investments.
If you live in Nova Scotia, here’s another reason to consider yourself lucky — there are now rebates available to help homeowners go solar. All Nova Scotian homeowners are able to participate in Efficiency Nova Scotia’s SolarHomes program, supported by Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Government of Nova Scotia. SolarHomes offers rebates to help homeowners install eligible solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, using professional solar contractors approved by Efficiency Nova Scotia. To be eligible for rebates, pre-approval is required from Efficiency NS prior to installing the equipment.
The rebate is $0.60 per Watt for eligible solar PV systems up to 25% of the total cost, or a maximum of $6,000. You can also combine your SolarHomes rebate with any Nova Scotia financing program that supports clean energy!
If you want to improve the energy efficiency of your home or install clean energy options including solar but don’t think you can afford the costs of installation — a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing program could help. PACE programs are designed to help homeowners pay for their upgrades with the money they save on heating, cooling and electricity costs.
Not all PACE programs support solar, so contact your local municipality to find out more.
According to a recent report submitted by The Canadian Solar Industries Association to The Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, “Solar PV reduces residential energy bills by 50 percent on average”. Given that Nova Scotia has one of the highest residential electricity rates in Canada, there is a great opportunity for Nova Scotians to “go solar”.
Thanks for reading!
Brian McKay
(aka The Solar Guy)